By now and to make a long story short...
Ceramics is becoming a major asset for the creation of the 21st century, in this period of the Anthropocene where a radical management of resources and energy has become the sine qua non condition for our survival on this planet.
The Girel 3E ceramic kiln is a high-performance tool, with a minimal carbon footprint, which allows us to stop using electricity and fossil fuels. It is the ideal kiln for any designer who wants to harmonize his ethics and his practice, while giving an additional asset to his aesthetics.
This kiln meets three fundamental contemporary requirements, the 3E's namely :
Ergonomic: only one person can carry out the firing, without having to bend down or move to feed the fire or make adjustments. The chamber is wide but shallow, so it is easily accessible, and the loading is done standing up.
Economical to build and to use: self-built in a few days, it costs 4 times less than a gas kiln of the same volume. With its capacity of 650 useful liters, it consumes between 150 and 200 kg of wood for a firing at more than 1300°.
Ecological : thanks to its post-combustion system, the kiln rejects clean smokes into the atmosphere, consumes very little wood, can be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere if necessary.
The flexibility of its control allows for refined glazes as well as the wildest flame or ash effects, lightning cooling rates or maturation of a few days.
It is a form of legacy to the ceramic community of the one who "listens to the clouds pass by" while tapping on the keys of his firebox.