The Girel 3E ceramic wood kiln is protected by a license :
Creative Commons "Attribution - No Derivative Works 4.0 International" license.
It can be viewed at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/.
It commits the person who uses, distributes, quotes all or part of the documents:
- to credit and quote the owner of the rights, Jean Girel, as the inventor at the origin of the Girel 3E,
- to use the plans and information contained in the documents to build his own oven without modifying them
Commercial Use Framework:
- the ceramist can sell his production fired in a Girel 3E kiln,
- the ceramist trainer can animate and train to wood firing people who pay him for this service,
- the ceramist trainer can animate and lead a kiln construction site which is also the framework of a transmission of know-how and knowledge around Girel 3E and wood firing,
- the ceramists or collectives around ceramics can use the plans and the information to organize collective events (construction or firing...),
- the ceramist can provide the plans of a part of the kiln to a craftsman of his choice to receive technical help; the craftsman must follow exactly the technical plans.
- the craftsman can also sell all or part of the kiln realized by him as (part of) Girel 3E, as long as the technical plans are exactly respected.
Each user commits himself not to modify the documents; it will be possible, in the near future, to propose modifications which will be studied and discussed.